Référence | IBR-001 |
Langue | EN |
Typologie | Side tables |
Marque | Ibride |
Lien Marque | https://www.ibride-design.com/en/shop/diva-7?search=diva&order=name+asc#attr=32,35,38,40,37,39,41,31 |
Designer | Benoit Convers |
Lien Designer | |
Le French Design | ARTLANTIS |
Gallerie | [envira-gallery id="12338"] |
Fichier à télécharger | |
Argument URL Hubspot | IBR-001_diva-noir |
Argument URL | IBR-001_diva black |
Lien UP |
Diva black
Airy, the Diva ostrich seems ready to take flight in a crazy race and defies the laws of gravity with its two feet barely anchored to the ground. Designed to lean against the wall, the elegant, ornamental and practical console creates surprise and asserts its eccentric femininity in the interiors it inhabits.

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